Juridische informatie

Juridische informatie

Informatie over onze juridische disclaimers.

European Legal Information

By using Cigna Healthcare's website or any Cigna Healthcare services, software, mobile applications, or other electronic or web-based services (the “Services”), you agree to the following terms and conditions. Your continued access or use of the Services shall be deemed your acceptance of this legal disclaimer.

De ondernemingen die de diensten op deze website aanbieden zijn ondernemingen buiten de Cigna-groep, zoals wordt aangegeven als u een specifieke offerte aanvraagt.

“Cigna Healthcare” refers to The Cigna Group and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. Products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries, including, without limitation, Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V, Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V, or their branches, both companies registered in Belgium at Plantin en Moretuslei 309, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium, or Cigna Global Insurance Company Limited, with registered address in Guernsey at PO Box 155, Mill Court, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4ET. Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V. and Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. are subject to the prudential supervision of the National Bank of Belgium and to the supervision of the Financial Services and Markets Authority in the field of consumer protection. Cigna Global Insurance Company Limited is gemachtigd en wordt gereguleerd door de Guernsey Financial Services Commission voor de uitvoering van verzekeringszaken op Guernsey.

Certain services which are non-risk related may be provided by non-insurance entities such as Cigna International Health Services B.V., registered with the Financial Services and Markets Authority as an insurance and reinsurance broker and with registered office at Plantin en Moretuslei 299, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium; and/or, Cigna European Services (UK) Limited, having its registered office at 13th Floor 5 Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V 7HR.

Producten en diensten zijn misschien niet in alle rechtsgebieden beschikbaar en worden uitdrukkelijk uitgesloten indien verboden door het toepasselijk recht. 

De onderneming die verantwoordelijk is voor deze website en het beheer ervan is:

Cigna European Services (UK) Limited
13th Floor
5 Aldermanbury Square

Voor vragen of opmerkingen kunt u contact met ons opnemen via de gegevens die op de website staan vermeld.

De onderneming is geregistreerd in Engeland en Wales bij 'Companies House' onder 199739.

Al het materiaal wordt 'as is' aangeboden en zonder enige expliciete of impliciete garanties, waaronder garanties met betrekking tot de verkoopbaarheid of geschiktheid voor een bepaald doel. Due to the nature of the Internet, Cigna Healthcare does not warrant that access to these pages will be uninterrupted or error free. Cigna Healthcare does not warrant or make any representations regarding the usefulness of, or the expected results of the material contained on these pages. Let op: in sommige rechtsgebieden is de uitsluiting van impliciete garanties niet toegestaan, zodat de bovengenoemde uitsluitingen mogelijk niet op u van toepassing zijn. Zie uw lokale wetgeving voor dergelijke beperkingen.

Het materiaal en de inhoud van deze pagina's worden voortdurend bijgewerkt en kunnen daarom veranderen. Zorg ervoor dat u altijd de laatste versie gebruikt. Door gebruik te maken van deze website garandeert u dat u dit uitsluitend doet voor het doel waarvoor u bevoegd bent. Cigna Healthcare does not take responsibility for improper use or any results thereof.

Cigna Healthcare reserves all property and intellectual property rights on the website and all its components.

A non-exclusive licence is granted to the user to use the website. Nevertheless, no property or other intellectual property right is transferred to the user. This licence only gives the user the right to access the contents of the website, consult the information it contains and use the Services offered on the site for its own private use.

There are references throughout the Services to various trademarks or service marks and these, whether registered or not, are the property of their respective owners.

De naam Cigna Healthcare, het logo en andere merken van Cigna Healthcare zijn eigendom van Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., met een licentie voor gebruik door Cigna Group en zijn operationele dochterondernemingen.

De informatie op deze website kan vertaald zijn in andere talen. Cigna Healthcare translates this content using a third-party service, and as such it may contain discrepancies or differences. Cigna Healthcare warrant that these are non-binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. Uw handelingen dienen niet gebaseerd te zijn op de vertaalde versie van deze website, maar enkel op de Engelse tekst. Only the English version is endorsed by Cigna Healthcare in accordance with the normal Disclaimers.

Cigna Healthcare is not liable for any damages arising from the translations, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages.

Cigna Healthcare does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever (including without limitation warranties of title, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose) with respect to the files available for downloading from this site. In no event will Cigna Healthcare be liable to you or to anyone else for any decision made or action taken by you or anyone else in reliance on results obtained from use of files downloaded from this site. Deze bestanden mogen uitsluitend voor persoonlijk gebruik worden gedownload en/of afgedrukt. Permission to reprint or electronically reproduce any document or graphic in whole or in part for any reason except for personal use is expressly prohibited, unless prior written consent is obtained from the appropriate Cigna Healthcare copyright holder.

The health information on this Web site is provided by Cigna Healthcare solely for informational purposes as a public service to promote consumer health. Deze informatie mag niet worden beschouwd als medisch advies en dient niet ter vervanging van goede medische zorg door een arts. Cigna Healthcare assumes no responsibility for any circumstances arising out of the use, misuse, interpretation or application of any information supplied on this site. Raadpleeg altijd uw arts voor geschikte onderzoeken, behandelingen, tests en zorgadviezen.

Vertrouw niet op de informatie op deze website als een hulpmiddel voor zelfdiagnose. De informatie op deze website wordt 'as is' verstrekt, zonder enige vorm van garantie, expliciet of impliciet, inclusief, maar niet beperkt tot, impliciete garanties van verkoopbaarheid, geschiktheid voor een bepaald doel of niet-inbreuk. De informatie wordt verstrekt zonder enige garantie met betrekking tot de betrouwbaarheid, nauwkeurigheid, tijdigheid, bruikbaarheid of volledigheid ervan.

Cigna Healthcare may from time to time contain forward-looking statements that include information about financial prospects, plans and objectives of management for future operations, economic conditions, trends and known uncertainties. Cigna Healthcare cautions the reader that actual results could differ materially from those that Cigna Healthcare expects, depending on the outcome of certain factors. In some cases, Cigna Healthcare describes uncertainties when offering forward-looking statements. Cigna Healthcare does not undertake any obligation to correct or update any forward-looking statements on the Cigna Healthcare Web site.

Certain web and smartphone applications of the Services have been designed to run on a personal computer, standard laptop or web-enabled mobile device. If you view or use the Services on a mobile or handheld device you may experience some display and functionality limitations. You may experience varying wireless network coverage and speed, depending on your geographic location and telecommunications provider. The Services should not be used while operating any motor vehicle, or in any other manner that might endanger yourself or others.

If your mobile device uses Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, trackers, or other location tracking tools, your location information may be used for purposes of determining your location when using a function on the Services that uses such information. While using the Services, if you allow your location information to be obtained, we will use this information solely to return your estimated location and to provide you with more personalised results and/or Services. Cigna Healthcare does not monitor your GPS tracking or location information, and does not save this information. We will not use this information to identify you or disclose this information to any third parties.

By using the Services you expressly agree and acknowledge that Cigna Healthcare shall not responsible for any of the following: (a) performance limitations and/or failures experienced in connection with any wireless or Wi-Fi service used to access the Service; (b) data transmitted through wireless access that may be intercepted by unauthorised persons; or (3) your failure to physically secure and/or monitor your personal computer, laptop or wireless device or to protect your passwords, resulting in unauthorised access to the Service and/or your Cigna Healthcare account or plan information.

While using any web-enabled mobile or handheld device to use the Services, standard mobile phone carrier and data usage charges will apply. You expressly agree and acknowledge that the use of any mobile or handheld device is at your sole risk and shall be in accordance with all applicable laws.

By using the Services, you agree to receive any applicable software updates that may be issued from time to time by Cigna Healthcare. You agree to accept and install such updates as part of your use of the Services. You also agree not to reverse engineer, modify, decompile, adapt, translate, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Services and/or any Cigna Healthcare application.

You agree by accessing these pages that under no circumstances or any theories of liability under international or civil, common or statutory law including but not limited to strict liability, negligence or other tort theories or contract, patent or copyright laws, will Cigna Healthcare be liable for damages of any kind occurring from the use of this web site or any information, goods or Services obtained on this web site including direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, or punitive damages (even if Cigna Healthcare has been advised of the possibility of such damages), to the fullest extent permitted by law. In sommige rechtsgebieden is ​​de uitsluiting of beperking van bepaalde schade niet toegestaan, zodat een aantal van deze beperkingen wellicht niet voor u geldt.

Wij behouden ons het recht voor om wijzigingen aan te brengen in deze pagina's en onze disclaimer/gebruiksvoorwaarden. Wij raden u aan om de site en deze voorwaarden regelmatig te lezen voor eventuele updates of wijzigingen. Uw verdere gebruik van deze pagina's wordt gezien als uw aanvaarding van deze juridische disclaimers/gebruiksvoorwaarden en de eventuele wijzigingen en de redelijkheid van deze normen voor de kennisgeving van wijzigingen.

Use of the Services will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, without giving effect to its conflict of law provisions. You agree that any legal action or proceeding between you and Cigna Healthcare will be brought exclusively in front of the English courts. If any provision of this document shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this document and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

North American Legal Information

De beschikbaarheid van producten kan verschillen per locatie en type polis, en is aan verandering onderhevig. Products may not be available in all jurisdictions and are excluded where prohibited by law. Alle groepsziektekostenverzekeringen aanvullende pakketten bevatten uitsluitingen en beperkingen. For costs and details of coverage, review your plan documents or contact a Cigna Healthcare representative.

Cigna Healthcare products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna Life Insurance Company of Canada, Cigna Global Insurance Company Limited, Evernorth Care Solutions, Inc., and Evernorth Behavioral Health, Inc. The Cigna Healthcare name, logo, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by The Cigna Group and its operating subsidiaries. “Cigna Healthcare” refers to The Cigna Group and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates.

© 2024 Cigna Healthcare. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

See full legal information for North America here.