
International Health Insurance in the Philippines

Enjoy your days in the sun and explore the country’s natural beauty without any worries by taking advantage of international health insurance in the Philippines.

This corner of the globe draws many workers and retirees from across the world with the promise of warm weather, jaw-dropping scenery and a lower cost of living.

Having the peace of mind that your adventures in this island nation are supported by thorough medical coverage can help you make the most of your life here.

Learn more about the country’s healthcare system and how international health insurance in the Philippines works with Cigna.

How does the healthcare system work in the Philippines?

The Philippines offers free healthcare, known as PhilHealth (Philippine Health Insurance Corporation) that citizens contribute to through their taxes. It covers most emergency care and some other inpatient services. If you’re employed and living in the Philippines, or have a residency status, you and your loved ones may be eligible for PhilHealth.


Pros and cons of using the Philippines’ public health system


There are some benefits to using PhilHealth, like:

  • Cheaper treatment – compared to Europe and North America, you’ll often find much lower prices on hospital visits, medication and even tests.
  • English-speaking medical staff – most doctors that work in public hospitals speak good English.
  • Maternity care package – starting a family is covered by PhilHealth, including prenatal and postpartum periods.
  • Premium option – you have the choice to pay more towards your PhilHealth for further benefits.


But there are some possible drawbacks to consider:

  • Technology issues – some hospitals in more rural areas are not equipped with advanced medical technology.
  • Staffing issues – some regional hospitals may have staffing issues with healthcare professionals pursuing careers in larger city-based locations.
  • Low medical supplies in rural areas – medical settings in provincial areas often work on a limited budget, so stocking up on supplies could be challenging.

What’s the difference between public and private healthcare in the Philippines?

Openbaar Particulier
Relatively cheap for common services. Access to the best healthcare, even in rural areas.
Customisable for more expensive services. Supply of leading treatments and stocks in rural areas.


How can international health insurance help you in the Philippines?

International health insurance can offer comprehensive cover to expats during their stay in the Philippines and beyond.

This type of insurance opens the doors to hospitals all around the world and includes premium services that are not available with local plans.

Uw internationale ziektekostenverzekering kiezen


Beantwoord een paar vragen en voer uw persoonlijke gegevens in om te beginnen.

Kies uw polis

Vergelijk polissen en vind een flexibel pakket dat aan uw behoeften voldoet.

Zorg voor bescherming

Ontvang vandaag nog uw offerte en zorg voor bescherming.

Cigna Global Health Options polissen


Wereldwijde dekking of wereldwijd dekking exclusief de VS

$ 1.000.000

Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet


De belangrijkste voordelen van het Silver-plan zijn dekking voor internationale ziekenhuisopnames en dagbehandelingen, inclusief ziekenhuisverblijven en behandelingen.

Beschikbare aanvullende modules:
  • Ambulante patiënt
  • Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™
  • Gezondheid en welzijn
  • Oogheelkundig en tandheelkundig
  • Dekkingsoverzicht kern ziekenhuisopname:

    • Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet: $ 1.000.000
    • Klinische- en dagbehandelingen
    • Eenpersoonskamer
    • Volledige kankerzorg
    • Dekking voor zorg voor pasgeborenen


    Wereldwijde dekking of wereldwijd dekking exclusief de VS

    $ 2.000.000

    Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet


    Uitgebreide dekking, met hogere jaarlijkse limieten en hogere vergoedingen inclusief klinische kraamzorg.

    Beschikbare aanvullende modules:
  • Ambulante patiënt
  • Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™
  • Gezondheid en welzijn
  • Oogheelkundig en tandheelkundig
  • Dekkingsoverzicht kern ziekenhuisopname:

    • Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet: $ 2.000.000
    • Klinische- en dagbehandelingen
    • Eenpersoonskamer
    • Volledige kankerzorg
    • Klinische kraamzorg*


    Wereldwijde dekking of wereldwijd dekking exclusief de VS

    Volledig vergoed

    Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet


    Onze hoogste dekking biedt een onbeperkte totale jaarlijkse limiet, waarbij de meeste zaken volledig worden vergoed.

    Beschikbare aanvullende modules:
  • Ambulante patiënt
  • Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™
  • Gezondheid en welzijn
  • Oogheelkundig en tandheelkundig
  • Dekkingsoverzicht kern ziekenhuisopname:

    • Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet: Volledig vergoed
    • Klinische- en dagbehandelingen
    • Eenpersoonskamer
    • Volledige kankerzorg
    • Klinische kraamzorg*
    • Geestelijke en gedragsmatige gezondheidszorg volledig betaald

    Cigna Close Care℠ polis

    Close Care

    Verblijfsland + land van nationaliteit

    $ 500.000

    Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet


    Een essentiële gezondheidspolis aangepast voor personen die dekking nodig hebben in hun eigen land en hun verblijfsland.

    Beschikbare aanvullende modules:
  • Ambulant en welzijn
  • Tandheelkundige zorg en behandeling
  • Dekkingsoverzicht kern ziekenhuisopname:

    • Jaarlijkse uitkeringslimiet: $ 500.000
    • Aandoeningslimiet: $ 250.000
    • Klinische- en dagbehandelingen
    • Tweepersoonskamer
    • Volledige kankerzorg

    Why choose Cigna for health insurance in the Philippines?

    • Access to leading medical professionals with coverage in over 192 countries.
    • Flexible plans to fit your lifestyle.
    • Contact our experienced customer team 24/7.
    • Add hospital stays, maternity cover and more.

    Vraag vandaag nog een offerte aan

    Veelgestelde vragen

    Organise treatment, arrange your plan and more by calling our Customer Care Team. Our advisors are on hand to help with any arrangements or information you may need, from the nearest hospital to recommended doctors.

    No, unless it is Philippines-specific. Having health insurance in another country, like the US, will not offer coverage in another nation unless you have international health insurance that safeguards your health between nations.

    While national medical costs are quite low, in the long run, having a private health insurance policy may prove useful.

    If you want to permanently live in the Philippines, you may find that PhilHealth does not provide enough access to facilities and different treatments. It’s not uncommon for expats living in this island nation to opt for private cover to ensure they can access the care they need.

    The unique features of a global health insurance policy will improve your experience of moving to and living in the Philippines.

    Depending on the provider you choose, extended services can include:

    • Medical evacuations
    • Eye and dental care
    • Mental health wellbeing
    • Outpatient services and prescription medication
    • Pre-existing condition coverage